AECOM Interview: Generative AI's influence on Automation

AECOM Interview: Generative AI's influence on Automation

Exclusive Interview

Watch the interview with Cristina Duta, Director of Intelligent Automation, Global Business Services at AECOM.

In this exclusive interview Ms. Duta answered the following questions:

  • As a Director of Intelligent Automation at AECOM, could you provide insights into why understanding GenAI's adaptive role within intelligent automation is crucial in today's digital landscape?
  • In your presentation, you will talk about GenAI's adaptive algorithms, continuous learning loops, predictive precision, and contextual understanding. How do these capabilities revolutionize automation's responsiveness and decision-making capabilities?
  • Integrating GenAI to foster self-learning loops within automation systems is highlighted. How does this continuous learning aspect contribute to improving adaptability to dynamic environments?
  • GenAI's ability to comprehend context nuances can be used to refine automation's decision-making. Can you share specific instances where GenAI has demonstrated this capability, leading to nuanced data interpretation?
  • There's a debate over whether Gen AI will augment existing processes or disrupt them completely. What is your perspective on this, based on your experience and observations in the field?
  • What are the risks associated with fully relying on Gen AI for automation, and how can organizations mitigate these risks effectively?
  • Can you share any implemented use cases of Gen AI in automation? What were some unexpected challenges, and how were they addressed?
  • What part of the conference are you looking forward to most personally?

Watch the interview for free.