MICROSOFT Interview: Generative AI roadmap and latest developments

MICROSOFT Interview: Generative AI roadmap and latest developments

Exclusive Interview

"AI is the new electricity" - Watch the interview with Sonika Kapil, AI & App Chief Architect at MIRCOSOFT.

In this exclusive interview Ms. Kapil answered the following questions:

  1. What is Microsoft's vision for Generative AI?
  2. What are some key components of Microsoft's Generative AI strategy that attendees can expect to learn about in the workshop?
  3. How does Microsoft aim to empower organizations to harness the latest AI technologies for their unique needs?
  4. Crafting the AI roadmap involves making decisions about whether to buy or build AI solutions. What factors should organizations consider when making these decisions?
  5. Can you explain some cross-industry use cases of Generative AI, particularly in finance, HR, manufacturing, and other sectors?
  6. Security and compliance are crucial when deploying AI solutions. How does Microsoft ensure the secure and compliant use of Generative AI technologies?
  7. Could you elaborate on Microsoft's approach to ethical AI and how it guides the development and deployment of AI solutions?
  8. What steps does Microsoft take to promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems?
  9. What trends do you foresee shaping the future of AI adoption across industries?
  10. How do you anticipate Generative AI evolving in the coming years, and what implications does this have for organizations?

Watch the interview for free.