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MAY 29-30, 2019
Washington D.C.

Media Center

Process Automation for Government

According to CNN, The Pentagon is investing $2 billion into artificial intelligence. Do you have the latest IA for Government information and technology at your fingertips? Enjoy a jam-packed 2 days of sessions from government official leaders in the process automation industry from:U ...

IA Event Series Calendar

IA Event Series 2019 Calendar

The complete 2019 calendar for Intelligent Automation Series. At these events you will have the opportunity to learn and gain insights on all things intelligent automation, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, RPA, deep learning, and other technological advances. Attend these IA events to network and hear from thought...

New Content!

Five Objectives of President Trump's AI Executive Order

President Trump launched his American AI Initiative which directs Federal agencies to prioritize investments in research and development of artificial intelligence. The Initiative focuses federal government resources toward developing AI technology and ensuring that the next great AI inventions are made in the U.S. Overall, the announcement mentioned five major objectives.Download...

Transforming Defense Through AI & Machine Learning

The incorporation of artificial intelligence into defense strategies has already begun to transform NATO’s intelligence and surveillance capabilities, in regards to the gathering and processing of data to effectively identify targets.In this interview with Dr. Thomas H. Killion, Chief Scientist at NATO, Dr. Killion discusses the key areas where artificial...

Intelligent Automation: Revamping the Government

Recent advancements of AI have put it on a path to drive the future of our economy in an era of big data. AI can understand, monitor, reason, predict, interact, learn and improve – which makes it a hot topic for implementation across both private and public sectors. There is...

Process Automation in Government By The Numbers

The FY 2019 Federal Process Automation Budget At-A-Glance  Cap Goal #6 of the President’s Management Agenda, “Shifting From Low-Value To High-Value Work,” emphasizes the use of RPA and other business process automation tools to reduce the burden of low-value activities and redirect resources to accomplishing mission outcomes that matter most...

Fast Track Your Attendance

Anticipated Attendee Snapshot

Curious about who you can expect to see at Process Automation Government? We have you covered. From companies to job titles, here's a glance at some of the industry experts represented at our past Intelligent Automation events - many of whom you're likely to run into on the show floor...

Convince Your Boss to Attend Letter

Present your boss with this customizable letter detailing the reasons why you should attend the event and you'll be sure to receive approval to join us. To receive a copy via email, please contact

Featured Content

Deloitte Report: The Path Forward: Operationalizing RPA to Automate the Digital Supply Network

As RPA software is embedded across the federal government, agencies are embracing bots as new ‘digital personas’ within their organizations. As these bots enable a new threshold of real-time responses and feedback loops, every stage of a supply chain can operate in union, achieving a truly networked state. Deloitte has helped...


The President's proposed FY 2018 budget includes $54 billion in cuts to federal departments and a corresponding increase in defense and military spending. The budget is set in line with the goals of the M-17-22 Memo, requesting the decrease and elimination of funding for many programs across the Federal government....

AI: The Solution to Your Business Problems

Building a case for adopting and implementing artificial intelligence for your business can be difficult. But if your company is having issues that can easily be solved by AI, it makes it more of an incentive to figure out the best case to build. Download this report to learn different...

AI vs Blockchain Technology: Which is the Biggest Threat?

Do you have concerns about which technology you should be using? Learn the differences between artificial intelligence and blockchain technology and gain insights to which is the biggest threat. To receive a copy in your inbox, email

Videos & Podcasts

Tech Leadership Series – Robotic Process Automation

Host Francis Rose explores some of the key issues on robotic process automation (RPA) for government agencies. This program focuses on areas where RPA makes sense in government, how the RPA field will change the way people interact with federal agencies and best practices for deployment at a small scale...

Sponsorship enquiry

IA Event Series Sponsorship Prospectus

Our Intelligent Automation Event Series includes 8 events across multiple industries. Be the first to secure exclusive sponsorship and exhibition opportunities through Thought Leadership Sessions, Benchmarking Workshops, Innovation Think Tanks, Interactive Discussion Groups and more. Download the Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus to see how you can get involved today!