Take part in IAN's annual Spend & Trends survey!
Where do you see the RPA, intelligent automation and digital transformation industry heading in 2023?
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Are we entering an intelligent automation winter? Over the past two and a half years, organizations have invested in digital transformation like never before. However, according to some industry researchers, the industry may be heading for a slowdown.
On the flip side, the pressure on companies to boost performance in the face of a looming recession, talent shortages and continued business disruption is only intensifying. Even if we are entering a “reset” period, if history is any indication, it’s likely only a temporary setback.
With this in mind, we at the Intelligent Automation Network (IAN) are thrilled to announce our upcoming 2023 State of the Industry Report. Our goal is to uncover how automation and business transformation investments are evolving to meet the various challenges that lay ahead.
We invite you to take 5-10 minutes to complete our 25-question survey and share your perspective on:
- What specific tools are you leveraging to maximize business results? Workflow automation, low code, intelligent document automation, etc.?
- What areas of your business are most ripe for business process automation?
- Who are the top industry vendors?
PLUS, by filling out the survey, you'll be entered into a raffle for your chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! You'll also be the first to receive the final report with our findings.
If you would like to be featured in the report as an expert respondent, let us know by sending an email to Elizabeth.mixson@iqpc.com.
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If you can't access the above survey, try: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6VTCF7H
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