5 Minutes with Aric Dromi on reverse Moore’s Law
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We, as humans were given an unusual advantage in comparison to the rest of the animal kingdom. Our brain is capable of constructing a model of the world that can calculate the effect of causality to our points of view.
So far, most of the data that we use to build our model comes via our senses and while one cannot argue on the substantive qualities of external objects– the content of only physical data is not enough to “predict” the behavior of complex living creatures. To do so, we must understand their state of mind — feel what they feel.
Language is yet another valuable tool in this process. It enables us to capture new dimensions of reality and structure our development upon previous existing fundamental building blocks we already carry within us — our qualia. Qualia are individual instances of subjective, conscious experience. It is a single entity, different from the brain yet affected by it — qualia are our inner experiences of experiences.
Functional convergent evolution
Through our recent past, we have witnessed an exponential growth in technologies that impact computation power in areas such as, biotech, infotech, the algorithmic-neuro-engineering, instant accessibility, flow and data mixing, automation (and more). While we are just at the beginning of this journey, these technologies evolved to create a transparent-interaction-ecology that for the first time positions us– humans– as part of the perception of reality rather than reality itself. We have shifted from observing the information, to becoming part of the information. As such, we are now connected and can understand the world via knowledge that is external to our existence. Our qualia can experience experiences that are anchored in our brain but use external digital sensations and senses to paint the image of substance.
Recoding the rules
These evolutionary processes are re-creating our reality, and because of our ability to calculate it– the implications and potential are still in its embryo phase. We have to ask if “what we know that we know” is enough to predict how our current action can impact our species.
When we think about the future of humanity and technology, we tend to embrace the “action”-minded Hollywood model of the changes we are about to face. While there are voices that fuel the fear of the day that machine will wake up, I see the potential for a new dawn of humans, that can stretch the understanding of reality beyond the senses that define our perception into a vast new landscape that re-codes the rules of the universe.
Our capacity to “understand technology” is diminishing as fast as the capabilities of technology are maturing, (I call this Reverse Moore’s law) and it is this wave of exponential progress that redefines our future.