AiiA January roundup on: Talent
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2020 has just begun, but some trends are already beginning to emerge in the realm of human talent. These January articles cover everything from evolving HR operations to the next generation entering the workforce and how technology fits into it all.
[WHITEPAPER] What HR Leaders Need in a Document Management Solution
What HR Leaders Need in a Document Management Solution by Access provides information on when organizations should implement a document management solution and what to look for in a top-in-class solution.
Additionally, readers will:
- Learn the 4 key elements to successful document management
- Discover how they can improve upon existing HCM systems
- Learn about Record Keeping best practices
[REPORT] HR Trends 2020
Just like in years past, our annual trends report compiles a group of trends HR professionals should be aware of at the start of the new year. In the 2020 report, topics covered include employee experience, employee burnout, culture, diversity and inclusion and HR technology. Each topic discussed provides the latest data as it relates to the trend and includes interviews from HR professionals. Each talks about the trends within context of HR and provides some direction in our human resources can address and plan for the trend. Companies include:
- Atrium Health
- Atlanta Braves
- HP
- Parkland Health and Hospital System
- Everis
- Banner Health
Readers will:
- Get a complete understanding of trends/issues facing HR professionals in 2020 and the decade ahead.
- Have access the latest data, some provided from the HR Exchange Network, and pertinent information regarding the trends.
- Read real life instances concerning the trends as well as theories and strategies for solving for their respective challenges.
Learning that Targets Millennial and Generation Z Workers
Both Millennials and Generation Z can be categorized as digital natives. The way in which they learn reflects that reality. From a learning perspective, a company’s learning programs must reflect that also.
Utilizing technologies such as microlearning, which is usually delivered with mobile technology or machine learning, can engage these individuals in the way they are accustomed to consuming information.
[WHITEPAPER] Raising the Standard for Performance Management
In its latest resource, Raising the Standard for Performance Management, Culture Amp provides a guide that will show companies how to rebrand and rebuild their process so individual performance aligns with company goals.
Additional takeaways include:
- HR teams can learn how to rebrand, and rebuild their approach to performance management
- How to align individual performance with company goals
- How to align development with business strategy
Emerging Leadership Competencies and HR
HR’s world is changing. Adaptation and agility have become necessary skills every human resource professional (and even those not in HR) is using to carry out their normal business functions. But those aren’t the only skills they’re seeing emerge within their colleagues or even those employees working for their respective companies. Read more about emerging leadership competencies and how to promote them, including:
- Innovative Thinking
- Technology Knowledge
- Multigenerational Organizational Skills
Report: 100 Years to Gain Gender Parity
For years – there has been continued attention paid to the gaps between men and women. There have been countless studies on the topic, but none have painted as stark a picture as the latest report from the World Economic Forum. The organization says, “None of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes, and nor likely will many of our children. That’s the sobering finding of the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, which reveals that gender parity will not be attained for 99.5 years.” This article includes more about what we can do to close the gap and how technology plays a role.
Future of Work - The Definitive Guide
In this guide, the HR Exchange Network explores FoW in more detail and how it affects HR professionals. It discusses the role of culture, employee experience and technology as the work landscape continues to evolve.
Included in this article:
- HR and FoW
- New Realities
- Changing Forces
- Generations
- Technology
- Culture
- What HR Professionals Think About FoW
Creating a Sense of Team Virtually
Managing a geographically dispersed team certainly comes with challenges and requires an understanding of all participants. As the manager, you will need to be prepared to flex more than the individual team members to accommodate each staff member’s needs. This article offers some tips on how to make it work.
[DEMO] Automating Employee Documentation to Maximize Security
For HR, holding and securing critical employee documents is not only important, but mandatory due to strict government policies. Automating time-consuming paper processes can help HR professionals meet regulatory compliance, protect sensitive files and make it available for quick and easy access.
Watch this 13-minute tech demo to see how a cloud-based file management solution can increase efficiency in your department, shifting the focus of your team to a more strategic role.
Key takeaways:
- How digital documents help secure sensitive employee and company data
- Implementing policies and creating retention schedules in complex, compliance heavy organizations
- Avoiding hefty fines through retention scheduling
- Automating employee document management to increase productivity
Employee Experience: The Business Case
When a person takes a job with a company, they are looking for purpose, belonging or a mission. And if that’s not enough, they want to engage with fellow co-workers and build relationships. They want to take on projects either solo or in a team atmosphere and get them off the ground. They want to succeed. They want to work in an environment that is innovative and one where people are allowed to fail. These are all part of the employee experience.
So, what does HR look like in this new world? This article covers:
- The Definition of EX
- Addressing the Challenge
- Training and Support
- Manager Development
- Self-Directed and Dynamic Learning
[REPORT] The State of HR
HR continues to grapple with the changes in the workforce defined by the continued retirement of older workers (Baby Boomers and Generation X) and the hiring of more Millennial and Generation Z workers. And these workers want more from their employers than any other generation before them. Not only is there a desire for a strong culture, but also for flexibility and transparency. How does that affect the priorities of HR? What technology will need to be adopted in order to adapt to the needs of the workforce?
The HR Exchange Network editorial team went to the HR community to get answers to these questions. Included within its pages are the results of our latest survey with analysis around its findings. Additionally, HR professionals from Allstate, Allegion, AdventHeatlh and Akebono Brake weigh in on the data and give real life practical advice for creating the HR department of the future.
From this report, readers will:
- Learn about the top HR challenges, priorities and trends heading in to 2020.
- Have access to practical application of the survey’s findings; what does the data mean and how should HR shift its focus.
- Understand why the company culture is so important to the success of the business and how HR professionals believe the goal can be achieved and put in to practice.
The Soft Stuff is the Hard Stuff
Most of us are technical. We like to be fact-driven. We try to embrace technologies of all kinds including computer hardware, software, mobile devices, the Internet and social media.
We tolerate opinions of others different from ours, but we prefer tangible and hard evidence that supports any one’s position or argument. We like research studies and the use of analytics to gain insights and foresights as well as to solve problems and pursue opportunities. In this article, learn how decision management systems can help.
Decision management is:
- Agile – so they can rapidly change to cope with changing business conditions and new regulations.
- Analytic – so they can leverage an organization’s data to improve the quality and effectiveness of decisions.
- Adaptive – so they can learn from what works and what does not work to continuously improve over time.
Rediscovering Drucker's Innovation Approach to Endowing Existing Resources With New Wealth-Producing Capacity
What kind of organizational structure(s) will your organization need tomorrow (if not today) in order to achieve its competing on analytics objectives… and effectively assimilate today's new wave of groundbreaking technologies & methodologies including data analytics, AI, IA, machine learning and more?
Drucker's definition of a systems approach to innovation provides us with a helping hand to describe what's needed, which this article covers in depth.
Augmented Reality: L&D's Untapped Superpower
Walter Davis, Head of Talent and Learning Application at Aggreko gave us a sneak peek into his session for Corporate Learning Week 2020 regarding the role that augmented reality plays at Aggreko, why it’s a trend and key considerations for integrating it at your company.
In this article, Davis answers questions such as:
- How do you define augmented reality and how does Aggreko utilize it?
- What does training look like now and where does AR fit?
- With the skills gap in mind - what do you look for in a new hire re: AR?
- What are some of the pros/cons you've experienced when implementing AR at Aggreko?
- How do you show the ROI for AR?
- What advice do you have for companies who are interested in integrating AR but might be hesitant in getting started & testing out new technology?
- Where do you see the future of AR headed?