Unpacking how government is applying artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence for Government 13-14, August in Sydney Australia
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Industry must be aware of how government behaves. And government behaves based on indicators from society. Artificial Intelligence for Government 13-14, August in Sydney Australia, unpacks just how government is applying artificial intelligence.
Enterprise AI
If you have a government position, please consider attending. And if you're in either the Agriculture, Education, Energy, Healthcare, Human Services, Security or Transportation industies it also might be a good idea for you to attend. Goverment representatives touching each of those industries are featured on the program.
Key artificial intelligence sessions:
Panel Discussion Banner: How Can Artificial Intelligence Be Defined, Sold And Delivered Successfully Across Business Units And Stakeholders From Differing Industries
Christoph Bergmeir - Research Fellow & Lecturer in Data Science and AI, Monash University
Vivek Pande - Enterprise Architect Lead for AI, Automation & Integration, AGL Energy
Panel Discussion Banner: Addressing the Risk and Ethical Concerns Associated with AI adoption to Ensure a Sustainable and Responsible Future for Digital Innovation
Philip Muehleck - Program Director, Service NSW
Zack Thomas - Principal Policy Officer, Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
Angela Stengel - Head of Content Ideas Lab, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Seven Guney - Program Manager, Clinical Informatics and Analytics Program, Northern Sydney Local Health District
International Case Study Banner And Singapore Logo: Encouraging Self-Care and Rehabilitation in Senior Healthcare Patients With Voice-Activated Chatbot
How the NSW Department of Finance is Driving Ethical AI Adoption through a User-Driven AI Ethics Framework
Zack Thomas - Principal Policy Officer, Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
AI in Practice Banner: Leveraging Natural Language Processing and Image Recognition: Streamlining Feedback, Lost Property and Image Processing at Transport for NSW
Dennis Chan - Manager, Customer Experience Technologies, Transport for NSW
Augmenting Intelligence: Investing in Human Collective Intelligence at the Department of Human Services
Megan Bunfield - National Manager, Online Services, CIO Group, Department of Human Services
Predictive Analytics Banner: Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Understand Student Learning Environments and Improve Future Education
Register for AI for Government now.