Defining value realization
Pace of Change with Rohit Amberker: Value realization
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When we think about any investment in any technology or think about any solution, there is definitely an outcome we seek– value. Value variety arises as a result of a new investment. The value can be in terms of a happy customer or cost reduction or improvement in the quality of the parts and services made. Many projects at an early stage, have an expectation that there are certain things that will be achieved as a result of the project. But as the project progresses is becomes difficult to measure the total value the enterprise will value and generally how long it takes for the enterprise to realize that value.
Accounting for reality in value realization
Think about value realization as a very deliberate effort to keep your eyes always on the value that the solution is driving and being able to measure it as you go along in a project. Many of the investments take a long time. If you think about big projects like artificial intelligence (AI) or blockchain– it takes a long time for value realization.
Generally what happens is as you progress in the project or any solution, new problems, bugs, hiccups, etc take up a lot of the team's capacity and cognitive power. Thus you lose track of the promises of the value realization that you had at the start. So the concept of value realization is just that you have to be very deliberate in knowing when you'll start realizing value.
Keeping pace with AI change
Considering the pace of change is remarkably fast, and even still it will take a long time to experience value realization for artificial intelligence. Staying on track and measuring results is imperative. Staying on track with your initiative while keeping pace with the pace of change to ensure that your enterprise does realize that value ultimately is a very difficult process. The pace of change is so rapid that the solution that you're building for could be obsolete next year. So that makes it extremely hard for you to realize a value with what you started.
Digital transformation today and tomorrow
Value realization must work for AI, but also blockchain and quantum computing and bio-integration when it comes into the play. You should be in the state of investment, you should be constantly looking for the next thing on the horizon. But you can only do that if you can demonstrate value realization.
Your needs will consistently transform with your consistent adaptation of technologies. The problems of today will always heed the visions of tomorrow. You'll never catch-up with your investments unless you have a very clear view of what is that you want to change, what is the value that you want to realize as the result that change. Deliberately optimize everything that you are doing to realize the value of change and not get caught in constant change.
Artificial intelligence metamorphosis
In many ways, value realization is celebrating the change itself. When you consider the digital world– we were all accustomed to the PC world, then made accommodations for the mobile world and now we are talking about the AI world. In some ways these are progressions, their built on top of one another and then they are kind of progressing towards some desirable end state. Focus back on the conversations you were having at the onset of mobile. Realize the point on the horizon where mobile finally seamlessly integrated into your enterprise. Draw analogies to the initial conversations you're now having about artificial intelligence to prescribe a point where AI is seamlessly integrated into your enterprise. If you can effectively forecast your artificial intelligence metamorphasis, you can ensure value realization for your enterprise.