Introducing the Intelligent Automation Network (IAN)
The Agent Powering Business Intelligence For Digital Transformation
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Digital Transformation is happening in fits and starts across global corporate enterprise. Those blinded by light of the bright shiny business-led technology objects du jour have had trouble. Those with the fear of missing out on the market share captured by the bleeding edge adopters followed suit to net problems of their own. And those looking to either leapfrog- or simply catch-up- to the first two groups are grappling with their own pain and misery. It is within that community that we introduce the Intelligent Automation Network (IAN).
Business Intelligence
Born out of the AI & Intelligent Automation Network, The Intelligent Automation Network is a community of global is a community of global transformation, strategy, automation, innovation and technology leaders. The sister network- also born out of AIIA- is the AI, Data & Analytics Network (ADA).
Both ADA and IAN focus on business intelligence (the energy) needed for digital transformation of global corporate enterprise (the agent). While ADA focuses on the energy, IAN focuses on the agent.
Digital Transformation
We have heard that digital transformation is a journey. But the groups cited above set out on a digital transformation journey without GPS or even a compass. The progress of a journey is only known when a destination is set. Setting a vision for digital transformation is a must- then, the organization must know how technologies work along with enterprise talent.
Business Resiliency
The key for global corporate enterprise is to benefit from the collective intelligence presented by RPA and cognitive technologies along with human workers. Only by having human talent combine robotic process automation with cognitive technologies can global corporate enterprise achieve scalable intelligent automation. And only with scalable intelligent automation comes digital transformation and ultimately enterprise resiliency.