Digital transformation from both sides of the table [VIDEO]
Millennial Consultant Einar Michaelsen: Q1
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Einar Michaelsen was a corporate enterprise practitioner. He was able to establish a substantial amount of experience albeit at a young age. He’s moved over to management consulting. He’s now able to share his vantage point from either side of the table.
A few key takeaways:
Sparking your digital transformation journey
The conversation is not necessarily always just about intelligent automation, but kind of how that fits into the business transformation agenda, and how that supports the digital transformation of enterprises. The goal for everyone is discussing automation in a broader context, and having it be the initial spark that ignites the digital transformation journey.
The digital transformation landscape
It seems to be very few that haven’t identified the need to change their business. I think that most identify digital as where they're going.
Customer experience
Enterprises are realizing that they have to improve the customer experience. Customers expect much more from them because of the big tech companies leading the way in terms of customer experience. I think there is a whole other demand for a better user and customer experience now than just a couple of years ago.