The Secret To Intelligent Document Processing Success? A Unified Enterprise Process Automation Platform [Video]

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These days organizations are looking to do more than just digitize analog documents. They also want to extract meaningful insights from the unstructured data contained within these documents. Achieving this objective is possible, however, it requires a unified IDP/IDA approach.

As Neil Walker, Head of Product, TCG Process explains, with a unified intelligent document processing (IDP) platform, “you're not only gaining the traditional benefits of IDP, such as reducing costs, improving data accuracy, leading to rapid return on investment, but you're also gaining other benefits such as continuous process improvements.”

In regards to TCG own unified platform, he adds “By applying learning bots, monitoring the process, improving classification and extraction results, you can improve accuracy and reduce the time people spend doing the boring stuff. And that's something we've baked into the product for some time now, technologies that take away those repetitive tasks. We also provide smart and robust data extraction methods, which enable you to capture more information than ever before.”

But that’s not all. During this 30-minute presentation, Neil will walk you through a demo of the TCG Process unified IDP platform as well as showcase how this solution leverages state-of-the-art technologies (i.e. artificial intelligence and robotics) to:

  • Centralize multiple document processing workflows into one, centralized platform
  • Increase operational transparency and accountability 
  • Classify, extract, validate and verify vital business information
  • Translate raw, unstructured data into powerful business intelligence
  • Deliver meaningful customer insights that can be used to spark innovation and enhance CX
  • Automate and optimize complex business processes
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