Top 5 lessons learned from intelligent automation: Cindy Gallagher
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The AI & Intelligent Automation Network asks key practitioners for five lessons learned from their intelligent automation journey
Next up is Cindy Gallagher, former SVP global business services controller at Discovery. I’ve taken the opportunity to provide the superego to her ID. Gallagher shares top 5 lessons learned from her intelligent automation journey:
1. You can never know enough about your process or automation opportunities – just know enough to make a decision and try it!
It seems Gallagher is saying that the technology is moving at a break neck speed. Your data is what it is—so you’ve got to do something now rather than be caught waiting for God.
2. Don’t set it and forget it—work with your vendor/partner closely to ensure you understand the steps they’re taking
It’s an interesting distinction. Gallagher argues that you should not only understand the goal but also explicitly understand and comprehend how your partner and your technology are achieving that goal. It’s delegating, but scarcely.
3. Never underestimate the amount of change management needed—to that end, over communicate at all times
AIIA and others have been hammering this point over and over again. Processes are fundamentally changing and affecting your business. Of course, you are nowhere if your people aren’t with you. This step change is simply different and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
4. Make training a top priority—training on how to use the bots/automation, training on how roles will change, training on what other skills your organization may need
This is transformation. Intelligent automation is digitalization. Gallagher believes we are where we’re going. Training up, training across and training down on the technology and the inherent change is how to stay where we are relative to competitors. Remaining inert propels backward inertia.
5. Not all bots are created equal—take some time to explore (but don’t become paralyzed by the availability of options)
Oh yeah, the technology piece. Do your homework!
“When it comes to RPA, you have to show value—even if that means eating your own dog food,” said Cindy Gallagher in this recent AIIA Network Podcast. Listen here for the full interview:
Catch up on the series:
Top 5 lessons learned from intelligent automation: Jon Theurekauf
Top 5 lessons learned from intelligent automation: Nick Burgess