Transforming A Digital Workforce As A Practitioner CEO [ARTICLE]
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Liberty Source PBC

The reality of the digital industrial revolution we’re in right now, isn’t that jobs will be totally lost — it’s that jobs will change. Jobs will change to such a degree that not every individual will be able to adjust on their own. Leaders must take as much care of planning for the future of their human workforce as they are of their digital workforce.
Secondarily, there will always be the need for human-to-human interaction. Cultural, empathetic and judgment-based work still requires human interaction. The digital workforce can’t yet understand empathy. Bots can’t sit across the table from a customer, look in their eyes, understand the customer’s feelings or take note when body language gives clues of something unsaid. And intelligent automation of any kind simply cannot express the level of trust stakeholders demand and deserve. Leaders must help our human workforce understand how to communicate with stakeholders on a new, deeper level.

To truly transform operations, we are required to have both a digital workforce strategy and a human capital strategy. The two must be harmonized with aligned milestones and clear expectations. If done correctly, corporate executives will achieve their goals of cost
reduction, control and customer satisfaction, all while gaining the trust of their team members and their clients.