Artificial Intelligence 2020 Update
An update to the AI & Intelligent Automation Network AI2020 report
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Enterprise Artificial Intelligence
In 2019, the AI & Intelligent Automation Network conducted a study on corporate enterprise practitioner use and expectations of Arfiicial Intelligence. One year on, we've updated our questions and you have updated your answers. The AI2020 Update Report showcases those answers:
- Global corporate enterprise AI practitioners are clearly still dealing with infrastructure issues related to talent and technology. End-to-end processes remain stubbornly carbon-based. Rule-based automation is truly not yet globally scaled across the majority of organizations.
Double the AI
- And yet, the AI & Intelligent Automation Network members went from 21%, having deployed Intelligent Enterprise solutions to over 44% in just one year’s time.
Over 4/5 expect to deploy AI in under two years
- The stated goal for deployment is just under 83% by the end of 2020. Considering the fact that they’ve essentially got two years, and those ranks have doubled in one year – doubling again in two years is achievable. Incidentally, that same number was only 67% a year ago.
50% expect to be established, globally scaling or refining AI in under two years
- Global corporate enterprise is in fact slowly but surely transforming into the intelligent enterprise of tomorrow. Having said that, it will be more difficult for the roughly 50% of institutions who would like to be established, globally scaling or refining their scaled program in AI by the end of 2020, to actually achieve that status.
Download the full report now.